Urban well – Filtered & Clean Drinking Fountains & Bottle Fillers

10 Simple Ways To Help Our Water Crisis

With the water shortage crisis experienced in California, we all need to do our share to conserve water. Here are 10 easy ways to make our burdened water supply last longer.

  1.  Five minute showers or "Navy Way Showering": get wet, turn off shower while soaping, turn it on again briefly to rinse off
  2.  Not requesting water glasses in restaurants unless you are drinking it
  3.  Install an Automatic Sprinkler System and check the heads periodically
  4.  Pay attention to little leaks from faucets, and get it repaired
  5.  Switch to ultra-low-flush toilets
  6.  Select the appropriate water level for the size of your laundry load
  7.  Identify your Master-Water-Shut-Off valve in case water pipes burst
  8. Save energy by turning the temperature on your water heater down to 130 degrees
  9. Test your toilet for a secret leak: put 10 drops of food coloring in the tank.  Don't flush for 15 min.  If colored water shows up in the bowl, the tank is leaking.
  10. Xeriscape (pronounced Zeri-scape) or landscape for water conservation.  Use plants that require less water
10 Simple Ways To Help Our Water Crisis was last modified: March 6th, 2017 by urbanwell